Remember the Wall

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America’s honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing. Yet the Memorial itself is dedicated to honor the “courage, sacrifice and devotion to duty and country” of all who answered the call to serve during the longest war in U.S. history. The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund, Inc. is the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization authorized by Congress in 1980 to fund and build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Incorporated on April 27, 1979 by a group of veterans led by Jan C. Scruggs, who was wounded and decorated for service in Vietnam, the organization sought a tangible symbol of recognition from the American people for those who served in the war. By separating the issue of individuals serving in the military during the Vietnam era and U.S. policy carried out there, VVMF hoped to begin a process of national reconciliation. Two members of the U.S. Senate, Charles Mathias (R-Md.) and John Warner (R-Va.), took the lead in Congress to enact legislation providing three acres in the northwest corner of the National Mall as a site for the Memorial. It was dedicated on Nov. 13, 1982. – See more at:


Most vivid amongst the memories of my youth was you. I couldn’t have been a day over 14 when we first met. You took my breath away with your smile. You couldn’t have been a day over 16, womanhood slowly creeping onto you. I remember the look on your face when i asked you out and I remember the flutter of my heart at the sound of “yes”.

I remember the day you first mentioned we lose our innocence. I couldn’t breath! We dove head first into something that changed us forever. We both found love within each others soul. I told you i loved you and you softly told me you felt it long before.

You made me laugh and you made me cry. We were young and we were fools to think that our younger selves could handle something as strong as love. As time went by we drifted apart. You moved on I stayed behind. My soul was broken shattered, I couldn’t breath.

Then it faded away, we both moved on. I left and traveled the globe training and serving. Then one day you were gone forever, taken so quick from the place we called home. You were young and beautiful and again my soul was broken, torn to pieces and left empty.

I hope that you can read my thoughts so far away from home. Hear my prayers for you. Theres not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. Sometimes I can feel you and I look and no one is there its just me with no you.

My most vivid memory is you.